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Parameterized Action Invoke Delegate

I have the following working code sample:

public void ClearLogText() => this.TxtLog.Invoke((Action)delegate {this.TxtLog.Text = string.Empty;});

How would I properly add parameters?

public void SetControlText(Control control, string text) => this.Invoke((Action<Control, string>delegate (Control x, string y) {x.Text = y;});

The problem that I have is how to use the parameters into the function, in this case control and text.

Note: The method could have been anything. It is the concept that I care about, not what the method does. That was simply the first thing that came to mind.

Visual Studio complains about the obvious, namely that I am not using the arguments into the method.

I already know how to work with Actions, such as illustrated by this answer. What throws me off is the Invoke and delegate parts.

private void NotifyUser(string message, BalloonTip.BalloonType ballType)
    Action<string, BalloonTip.BalloonType> act = 
        (m, b) => BalloonTip.ShowBalloon(m, b);

    act(message, ballType);

I would also like to keep the answer to one line using the construct this.X.Invoke((Action)delegate..., hence this question, otherwise the answer would be:

    public delegate void DelegateSetControlText(Control control, string text);

    public void SetControlText(Control control, string text)
        if (true == this.InvokeRequired)
            Program.DelegateSetControlText d = new Program.DelegateSetControlText(this.SetControlText);
            this.Invoke(d, new object[] { control, text });
            control.Text = text;


  • There's no need to include the delegate cast in the actual call.
    The parameters go into the 2nd argument of the Invoke method, being a params object array, here containing control and text.

    public void SetControlText(Control control, string text)
        => this.Invoke((Action<Control, string>)((ctrl, txt) => ctrl.Text = txt), control, text);