I am using Kubernetes to deploy my grafana dashboard and I am trying to use Kubernetes Secrets for saving grafana admin-password .. Here is my yaml file for secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: $APP_INSTANCE_NAME-grafana
app.kubernetes.io/name: $APP_INSTANCE_NAME
app.kubernetes.io/component: grafana
type: Opaque
# By default, admin-user is set to `admin`
admin-user: YWRtaW4=
value for GRAFANA_GENERATED_PASSWORD is base64 encoded and exported like
export GRAFANA_GENERATED_PASSWORD="$(echo -n $PASSWORD | base64)"
where PASSWORD is a variable which i exported on my machine like
export PASSWORD=qwerty123
I am trying to pass the value of GRAFANA_GENERATED_PASSWORD to the yaml file for secret like
envsubst '$GRAFANA_GENERATED_PASSWORD' > "grafana_secret.yaml"
The yaml file after passing the base64 encoded value looks like
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: kafka-monitor-grafana
app.kubernetes.io/name: kafka-monitor
app.kubernetes.io/component: grafana
type: Opaque
# By default, admin-user is set to `admin`
admin-user: YWRtaW4=
admin-password: "cXdlcnR5MTIz"
After deploying all my objects i couldn't login to my dashboard using password qwerty123 which is encoded properly ..
But when i try to encode my password like
export GRAFANA_GENERATED_PASSWORD="$(echo -n 'qwerty123' | base64)
It is working properly and i can login to my dashboard using the password qwerty123 .. Looks like the problem occur when i encode my password using a variable ... But i have encode my password using a variable
As mentioned in @Pratheesh comment, after deploy the grafana for the first time, the persistent volume was not deleted/recreated and the file grafana.db
that contains the Grafana dashboard password still keeping the old password.
In order to solve, the PersistentVolume (pv) need to be deleted before apply the secret with the new password.