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Simple animation with useTransition in react-spring

I have a very simple example about useTransition, my expectation is whenever i click on the shuffle button, the items below swap around by a smooth animation. But i doesn't work, the item does swapping but also the pos property. I think my understand about key in useTransition has something wrong, but i can't find it.

my current code:

what im trying to do is something like this

function App() {

  const [items, setState] = useState([
    { name: 'C' },
    { name: 'D' },
    { name: 'E' },
    { name: 'F' },
    { name: 'G' },
    { name: 'A' },
    { name: 'B' },

  let index = -1;
  const gridItems = => {
    index += 1;
    return { ...item, pos: index * 60 };

  const transitions = useTransition(gridItems, item =>, {
    from: () => ({ pos: -100 }),
    enter: ({ pos }) => ({ pos }),
    udpate: ({ pos }) => ({ pos }),
    leave: () => ({ pos: -100 }),

  return (
      This is app<br/>
      <button onClick={ () => setState(Lodash.shuffle) }>shuffle</button><br/><br/>
        {{ item, props, key }) => {
          return (
              style={{ transform: props.pos.interpolate(pos => `translateY(${pos}px)`) }}


  • It was an age to figuring it out. You made a typo. Try with this one:

    update: ({ pos }) => ({ pos }),