In Browser JavaScript, I am trying to write some CSV data to the clipboard so that that user can paste to excel. Here is my code:
function onClick(){
var txt=get_some_valid_csv_text()
var items=[
new ClipboardItem({
'text/csv': new Blob([txt], { type: 'text/csv' })
The problem: It doesn't work, and I get this error message in the console:
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Sanitized MIME type text/csv not supported on write.
I just found the answer by trial an error. The secret, it seems, is to use text that is formatted as csv with tabs as separator rather than comma. No need for the ClipboardIteminterface, use can just use navigator.clipboard.writeText
This is the new code
function onClick(){
var txt=get_some_valid_csv_text(sep='\t')