I have a very strange issue. I am not able to consistently recreate but its happening. So when the date is 04/25/1948, GregorianCalendar.getTime() returns Date as
Sun Apr 25 1:00:00 EDT 1948
I am not sure why it has time of 1:00:00 and not 00:00:00. I am not setting any time in date. Do you guys have any pointers of why it would set time of 1:00:00.
note: I am in EST time zone.
In Sun Apr 25 1:00:00 EDT 1948
, EDT indicates it is Eastern Daylight Time and currently your machine is on EST. Hence, you are seeing a difference of 1 hour.
On April 25 1948, Daylight savings was activated and EST transitioned to EDT.
For eg. check this to see history of daylight savings changes of Detroit.