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wasm/dotnet Integrity attribute invalid for my Blazor app on Github pages

See the error on my website here

I have embedded a blazor app in my jekyll site. It runs perfectly locally, but when I publish it on github pages, I am getting this error:

Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource '' with computed SHA-256 integrity 'yVt8FYsTQDifOGsifIkmEXwe+7ML0jZ1dMi2xluiDXQ='. The resource has been blocked.

This is something that I think blazor generates when the page is ran. this is what my page looks like that starts blazor:

<script src="js/index.js"></script>
Built with <3 using Blazor
<script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>

This is what the page looks like on github pages:

<script src="js/index.js"></script>

<p>Built with &lt;3 using Blazor
<script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script></p>        

<script type="text/javascript">var Module; window.__wasmmodulecallback__(); delete window.__wasmmodulecallback__;</script><script src="_framework/wasm/dotnet.3.2.0-rc1.20222.2.js" defer="" integrity="sha256-iZCHkFXJWYNxCUFwhj+4oqR4fkEJc5YGjfTTvdIuX84=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script></body>

Why is this error happening and how can I fix this? I've thought about create a script that would remove the integrity attribute, but I don't think that would be a good solution.


  • I found an answer here


    Because I am using github pages to host my blazor app, it's using git to push up the code. Git by default will try to normalize line endings when committing code, which was causing the integrity of the blazor app to fail due to the files changing.


    To fix this, I added a .gitattributes file to my blazor folder with * binary as the contents.

    This tells git to treat all files as binary and therefore not to normalize the line endings. After I did that, I had to delete my _framework folder in my blazor app and rebuild it. After doing this, the blazor app worked.