Could you help me understand why this function below has the event parameter when it is not being used inside the function?
handleBlur = field => event => {
touched: { ...this.state.touched, [field]: true }
Why this function below not working when I tried?
handleBlur(field) {
touched: { ...this.state.touched, [field]: true }
This function is being used as per below:
<FormGroup row>
<Label htmlFor='firstname' md={2}>First Name</Label>
<Col md={10}>
<Input type='text' id='firstname' name='firstname'
placeholder='First Name'
valid={errorMessages.firstname === ''}
invalid={errorMessages.firstname !== ''}
handleBlur = field => event => {
touched: { ...this.state.touched, [field]: true }
This is a double arrow function, in this case the function handleBlur passes the value field and returns a function with event as an input, almost like this:
function handleBlur(field) {
return function(event) {
//do something
You can find a very good explanation here, using your own example:
What do multiple arrow functions mean in javascript?
I don't know why that code is not using the event, but it's there.