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Java: a time-delayed queue that de-dupes

G'day everyone,

I have a system (the source) that needs to notify another system (the target) asynchronously whenever certain objects change. The twist is that the source system may mutate a single object many times in a short interval (updates are very "bursty"), and in that case it would be ideal to only notify the target system once, and with the final state of the object.

My thought was to use some kind of time-delayed, de-duping queue in front of a ThreadPoolExecutor for this. This queue would:

  1. keep items on the queue for a minimum amount of time (ideally configured to be just a smidgin longer than the duration of a typical burst of mutations)

  2. replace the existing object in the event that a duplicate (as defined by the object's identifier) is enqueued. The item should, however, retain its original place in the queue (to avoid any one item being perpetually bumped to the back of the queue - at some point we need to just send the notification even if another one will be coming along momentarily).

I haven't seen anything exactly like this in java.util, and my google-fu in this area appears to be particularly weak.

Has anyone implemented this before, know a BlockingQueue implementation that behaves this way, or have tips on how I might go about implementing one?

Thanks in advance!


PS. I know ESBs do this kind of thing, but that is too heavyweight an approach in this case - ideally I don't want to add any new library dependencies to the source system at all.


  • I think your best bet is to extend ArrayBlockingQueue and override offer and poll to add the time delay functionality. Particularly ArrayBlockingQueue because it has a contains method.

    Another idea is a DelayQueue where you override offer to remove the old element and insert the new but preserve the old time delay, which will essentially preserve order. Then you need to wrap your queue items in a Delayed interface.