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Import multiples data of column from xlsx to a powershell cmd

In input : i have an \users\myself\desktop\test\file.xslx containing multiples column like this :

ColumnA ColumnB ... ColumnQ (for a total of 17 columns)

each column have some data.

In output :

I would like to have a cmd like this :

New-ADUser -Name $(columnAdata) -GivenName "$(columnBdata)" -Surname "$(columnCdata)" -DisplayName "$(columnDdata)" -SamAccountName "$(columnEdata)" ... etc until -blabla "$(ColumnQdata)"

Is that possible to store de columndata in variables to insert them in a command ?

Thanks a lot.


  • I would suggest to first change the column headers to be the same as the parameters you intend to use with the New-ADUser cmdlet.
    Having matching headers would help greatly in not making mistakes.

    Next, save your Excel file as CSV, let's say a file called NewUsers.csv

    The code then can be quite simple and easy to maintain:

    # import the CSV file using the same separator character as Excel uses on your system
    Import-Csv -Path 'X:\NewUsers.csv' -UseCulture | ForEach-Object {
        # use Splatting: create a Hashtable with all properties needed taken from the CSV
        # see:
        $userProperties = @{
           Name           = $_.Name       # as opposed to $_.columnAdata
           GivenName      = $_.GivenName  # as opposed to $_.columnBdata
           Surname        = $_.Surname
           DisplayName    = $_.DisplayName
           SamAccountName = $_.SamAccountName
           # etcetera
        New-ADUser @userProperties