I currently have a wix installer which produces a single MSI. As part of this I check whether or not the correct version of the .Net runtime is installed on the machine. If not it currently aborts the installation and prompts the user to install it. I initially tried using a different method as per this:
But this produces an exe and I need it to remain as a single MSI.
Would it be possible to instead have a custom action that runs the .Net offline installer and install it then continue with the MSI installation?
Sorry, this isn't possible. MSI has a mutex that prevents two MSIs from running at the same time. (There is a slight exception to this rule but it rules out any hope of having a proper silent installation.)
You can use WiX Burn to create a setup.exe that installs .NET and then your MSI.
Or your application could switch to .NET Core and bundle it's own .NET inside the MSI without installing a system wide instance.