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Simplifying the invocation of functions stored inside an ReaderT environment

Let's assume I have an environment record like this:

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

type RIO env a = ReaderT env IO a

data Env = Env
  { foo :: Int -> String -> RIO Env (),
    bar :: Int -> RIO Env Int

env :: Env
env =
    { foo = \_ _ -> do
        liftIO $ putStrLn "foo",
      bar = \_ -> do
        liftIO $ putStrLn "bar"
        return 5

The functions stored in the environment might have different number of arguments, but they will always produce values in the RIO Env monad, that is, in a ReaderT over IO parameterized by the environment itself.

I would like to have a succinct way of invoking these functions while inside the RIO Env monad.

I could write something like this call function:

import Control.Monad.Reader 

call :: MonadReader env m => (env -> f) -> (f -> m r) -> m r
call getter execute = do
  f <- asks getter
  execute f

And use it like this (possibly in combination with -XBlockArguments):

 example1 :: RIO Env ()
 example1 = call foo $ \f -> f 0 "fooarg"

But, ideally, I would like to have a version of call which allowed the following more direct syntax, and still worked for functions with a different number of parameters:

 example2 :: RIO Env ()
 example2 = call foo 0 "fooarg"

 example3 :: RIO Env Int
 example3 = call bar 3

Is that possible?


  • From the two examples, we can guess that call would have type (Env -> r) -> r.

    example2 :: RIO Env ()
    example2 = call foo 0 "fooarg"
    example3 :: RIO Env Int
    example3 = call bar 3

    Put that in a type class, and consider two cases, r is an arrow a -> r', or r is an RIO Env r'. Implementing variadics with type classes is generally frowned upon because of how fragile they are, but it works well here because the RIO type provides a natural base case, and everything is directed by the types of the accessors (so type inference isn't in the way).

    class Call r where
      call :: (Env -> r) -> r
    instance Call r => Call (a -> r) where
      call f x = call (\env -> f env x)
    instance Call (RIO Env r') where
      call f = ask >>= f