The following program type-checks and compiles:
import Control.Arrow
data Ns = Na | Nb | Nc | Nd deriving Show
data Net a where
Uni :: a -> Net a
Serial :: Net a -> Net a -> Net a
Branch :: Show a => Net a -> Net (Net a, Net a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (Net a)
eval :: (Arrow a) => Net c -> a b (Net c)
eval (Uni m) = arr (const (Uni m))
eval (Serial m n) = eval m >>> eval n
--eval (Branch m) = eval m &&& eval m
example = Serial (Serial (Uni Na) (Uni Nb)) (Serial (Uni Nc) (Uni Nd))
main = do
putStrLn $ show (app (eval example, Na))
However, when I try to add a case for eval (Branch m)
, type checking bombs out. Something of type
Arrow a => a b (Net d)
is expected, but of course the way I have it is
Arrow a => a b (c',c'')
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to write eval (Branch m)
In response to @sabauma comment, I think the type signature for eval
will have to change, but I'm not sure what it should be.
Here's an example of what should happen:
branch = Branch example
app (eval branch, Na)
should give,
Uni (Uni Na,Uni Na)
This is what @sabauma 's proposal does.
One possibility is
eval :: (Arrow a) => Net c -> a b (Net c)
eval (Uni m) = arr (const (Uni m))
eval (Serial m n) = eval m >>> eval n
eval (Branch m) = (eval m &&& eval m) >>> arr Uni
I don't know if this has the desired behaviour, but it typechecks and is not the trivial solution. This lets you get away without changing the type signature.