i'm using monodevelop for C# and i cant find the way to see the "designer" tab that allow me to see the stetic graphical vie of my window.
this happen only when i create a 2nd window. I do see it when i select the mainwindow.cs.
Im new with monodevelop and i'm probably be missing something when i add a new window to my proyect.
is the correct way to add a new window form doing right click on my solution name, then "add" then "new window"?? because that shows only a "newwindow.cs" code but not the stetic view.
thank you so much for your time.
EDIT: i closed monodevelop and i dont know what happened but now the stetic view of the first window doesn't show either.
Finally found the solution. Right click on the solution column, over the .cs file... then click on "open with" then "window designer"