I want to detect intersection points of random lines with random rectangels. My Line class get 4 coordinates and makes a line out of them. My intersectionWith function gets 2 lines and returns the intersection point, and if there is no point, it returns null.
I have 2 functions: One finds the closest intersection point and returns it (I think it's irrelevant here): Located in Line.java
public Point closestIntersectionToStartOfLine(Rectangle rect){
Line[] rectLines = new Line[4];
Point[] IntersectionPoints = new Point[4];
double minDistance=0;
rectLines[0] = new Line(rect.getUpperLeft().getX(), rect.getUpperLeft().getY(), rect.getWidth()+rect.getUpperLeft().getX(), rect.getUpperLeft().getY());
rectLines[1] = new Line(rect.getWidth()+rect.getUpperLeft().getX(), rect.getUpperLeft().getY(), rect.getUpperLeft().getX()+rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()+rect.getUpperLeft().getY());
rectLines[2] = new Line(rect.getUpperLeft().getX()+rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()+rect.getUpperLeft().getY(), rect.getUpperLeft().getX(), rect.getUpperLeft().getY()+rect.getHeight());
rectLines[3] = new Line(rect.getUpperLeft().getX(), rect.getUpperLeft().getY()+rect.getHeight(), rect.getUpperLeft().getX(), rect.getUpperLeft().getY());
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
if (intersectionWith(rectLines[i]) != null)
IntersectionPoints[i] = intersectionWith(rectLines[i]);
for (int i=0; i<IntersectionPoints.length; i++) {
if (i == 0)
minDistance = rect.getUpperLeft().distance(IntersectionPoints[i]);
else {
if (rect.getUpperLeft().distance(IntersectionPoints[i]) < minDistance)
Point.closestIntersectionToStartOfLine = IntersectionPoints[i];
return Point.closestIntersectionToStartOfLine;
And this function keep ALL intersection points of a given line into a list. Located in Rectangle.java
// Return a (possibly empty) List of intersection points
// with the specified line.
public java.util.List<Point> intersectionPoints(Line line) {
List<Point> intersectionPointsList = new ArrayList<Point>();
Line[] rectangleSides = new Line[4];
Point[] corners = new Point[4];
recatngleSides(rectangleSides, corners);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Point p = line.intersectionWith(rectangleSides[i]);
if (p != null && !intersectionPointsList.contains(p)) {
return intersectionPointsList;
public void rectangleCorners(Point[] corners) {
double width = this.getWidth();
double height = this.getHeight();
double x = this.upperLeft.getX();
double y = this.upperLeft.getY();
//upper left
corners[0] = this.getUpperLeft();
//upper right
corners[1] = new Point(x + width, y);
//down right
corners[2] = new Point(x + width, y + height);
//down left
corners[3] = new Point(x, y + height);
* recatngleSides.
* Saves the lines in the 4 rectangle edges.
* @param sides - an empty array of lines
* @param corners - an array of edge points.
public void recatngleSides(Line[] sides, Point[] corners) {
// up
sides[0] = new Line(corners[0], corners[1]);
// right
sides[1] = new Line(corners[1], corners[2]);
// down
sides[2] = new Line(corners[2], corners[3]);
// left
sides[3] = new Line(corners[3], corners[0]);
I don't know why but it recognises random points as intersection points as you can see in the picture.
Because, if you look where your 'random' points are, they are actually where the sides of non-intersecting rectangles would be if you extend the sides to infinity. You need to actually check there is an intersection with the line segment that is the rectangle side.