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How to store structs of different types without boxing

I'm creating a messaging system for use in an XNA game. My Message types are structs because I want them to behave in a Value Type way.

struct MyMessageType1 : IMessage {}
struct MyMessageType2 : IMessage {}

List<IMessage> messageQueue = new List<IMessage>();

I want to be able to store Messages of different types in my message queue, but I want to do so without any of them being boxed.

If I have the structs implement an interface such as IMessage and I try to store them in a List, they get boxed.

I don't know all the possible message types ahead of time, so I can't just hard code one List for each type.

So the question is how can I store a list of structs of different types without them being boxed?


  • This cannot be done.

    Alternative 1

    However, you can emulate things, by using two Lists (List<MyMessageType1> and List<MyMessageType2>).

    You then concoct one Super Index (possibly, just another array of ints (longs?)) to make it possible to (indirectly) address an item as if it were one list.

    You might want to optimize the index (runlength encoding: store just the indexes where the backing array switches: this will also enormously help when iterating a subrange that is known to be contiguous in one of the backing arrays)

    Lists use Array storage internally, so - you get no boxing - fast random access - blazing iteration with list.ForEach

    Alternative 2

    Look at the StructLayout attribute and somehow emulate a Union by doing all the manipulations. If you are really prepared to get your hands dirty, throw in unsafe {} blocks (and compile with /unsafe) ... however, seriously consider P/Invoke a C DLL or use C++/CLI if it matters that much

    Alternative 3 (added)

    Because I really liked the fact that Marc Gravell pointed out you can use the StructLayout that I mentioned, to pinpoint all three members of a union .NET struct at the same offset; I thought I'd go the extra step and see whether I could make that a hell of a lot more leaky tranparent still. This comes pretty close to being transparent:

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    namespace LeakyAbstractions
        struct TypeA {}
        struct TypeB {}
        struct TypeC {}
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] internal struct AnyMessage {
            [FieldOffset(0)] public TypeA A;
            [FieldOffset(0)] public TypeB B;
            [FieldOffset(0)] public TypeC C;
            AnyMessage(TypeA a) { A = a; }
            AnyMessage(TypeB b) { B = b; }
            AnyMessage(TypeC c) { C = c; }
            public static implicit operator TypeA(AnyMessage msg) { return msg.A; }
            public static implicit operator TypeB(AnyMessage msg) { return msg.B; }
            public static implicit operator TypeC(AnyMessage msg) { return msg.C; }
            public static implicit operator AnyMessage(TypeA a) { return a; }
            public static implicit operator AnyMessage(TypeB b) { return b; }
            public static implicit operator AnyMessage(TypeC c) { return c; }
        public class X
            public static void Main(string[] s) 
                var anyMessages = new List<AnyMessage> { 
                    new TypeA(),
                    new TypeB(),
                    new TypeC(),
                TypeA a = anyMessages[0];
                TypeB b = anyMessages[1];
                TypeC c = anyMessages[2];

    I'll leave the problem of discriminating this poor men's variant as an exercise to you. The simplist way would be to add a field to the AnyMessage struct, but depending on the payload, other strategies might be much more (space/time) efficient.

    My $0.02

    Oh, I'd never actually do this, because it seems like overcomplicated. I'm assuming you have a valid reason to optimize this

    PS. If you are asking this after reading my answer here (yesterday: Should I use a struct or a class to represent a Lat/Lng coordinate?), I'm going to snap-judge this premature optimization