How to get the data from the columns?
So far I am able to get an object as a whole workbook:
I also believe that the column data (cells) should be accessed in that "_rows" property (not sure about that).
Below is the code, I am using xlsx-populate lib, because it's the only one to read password protected files (as I didn't find any other libs to do that).
const readExcelFile = () => {
xlsxPopulate.fromFileAsync(__dirname + "excelfile.xlsx", {password: "abc12345"})
.then(workbook => {
So far I've had bad luck accessing the properties inside this Workbook object because this is a circular reference. Also tried JSON.stringify'ing the object but this doesn't work either.
Any suggestions on how to get that data would be highly appreciated.
Solved by using circular-json lib.