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many-to-many relationship: order by on pivot table not working

I have these relationship between school and associate models:

// School model
public function associates()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Associate', 'school_associate', 'school_id', 'associate_id')
        ->withPivot('start_date', 'end_date');

// Associate model
public function schools()
    return $this->belongsToMany('School', 'school_associate', 'associate_id', 'school_id')
        ->withPivot('start_date', 'end_date');

I need to get all associates of one school ordered by start_date.

This is what I tried without success (in this try I am searching in all schools):

dd(\App\Associate::with(['schools' => function ($q) {
    $q->orderBy('pivot_start_date', 'desc');

And I get this sql (notice no order by clause):

select * from `associate`

I tried to edit the relationship like this:

// Associate model
public function schools()
    return $this->belongsToMany('School', 'school_associate', 'associate_id', 'school_id')
        ->withPivot('start_date', 'end_date')
        ->orderBy('pivot_start_date', 'desc'); // also tried without "pivot_"

And according to this post, I also tried :

// Associate model
public function schools()
    return $this->belongsToMany('School', 'school_associate', 'associate_id', 'school_id')
        ->withPivot('start_date', 'end_date')
        ->orderBy('school_associate.start_date', 'desc');

But I always get the same query and the results are not ordered.


  • I solved using query builder in this way.
    This function is in Associate model:

    public function scopeLast($query, $school_ids = [])
        $query->join('school_associate', "{$this->table}.{$this->primaryKey}", '=', 'school_associate.associate_id')
            ->join('school', 'school.school_id', '=', 'school_associate.school_id')
            ->whereIn('school.school_id', $school_ids)
            ->orderBy('school_associate.start_date', 'desc');
        return $query;