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How to access specific intermediate table in case of multiple ManyToMany relationships in Laravel Eloquent relationship

I have a model Product, and the same product can be sold by multiple supermarkets and outlets, so I define two BelongsToMany relationships for them:

class Product extends Model
    public function supermarkets(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(

    public function outlets(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(

Then in the Supermarket model I define a BelongsToMany relastionship to Products model, since one supermarket can sell many different products.

class Supermarket extends Model
    public function products(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(

If I want to access the intermediate table product_supermarket, I can:

foreach ($supermarket->products as $product) {
    echo $product->pivot->created_at;

However, we see that Product model has two BelongsToMany defined in its class. So what will property pivot be like in such a case? How can I access the intermediate table product_supermarket or outlet_product specifically?

I read the official documentation of Laravel but found nothing about it metioned in it:


  • I've figured it out. So if you want to return a specific intermediate table by 'pivot', you need to get the related model instances from the model that this intermediate table is bounded to. For example:

    $outlet = App\Models\Outlet::find(1);
    foreach($outlet->products as $product) 
       echo $product->pivot; // access the outlet_product table
    $supermarket = App\Models\Supermarket::find(1);
    foreach($supermarket->products as $product) 
       echo $product->pivot; // access the product_supermarket table