The below function has to validate the the required object fields before proceeding further. There is no strict requirement to return a generic validation error messages versus specific error message. What's the best practice to be followed?
Returning generic validation message,
function getAccountDetails({userId, accountId, email}) {
if(!userId || !accountId || !email) {
return 'userId or accountId or email is required';
// Todo
Returning specific validation error message,
function getAccountDetails({userId, accountId, email}) {
if(!userId) {
return 'userId is required';
if(!accountId) {
return 'accountId is required';
if(!email) {
return 'email is required';
// Todo
I would say none of them is best. as the function is expected to return the account details not the errors.
A good practice will be to throw the error and catch it on the other side using try/catch
if(!userId || !accountId || !email) {
throw Error("userId or accountId or email is required")
between from both of the approaches ... do what suits you best or you think is best there is no any recommendation.