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Custom BindingAdapter with 2 parameteres and requireAll throws KaptExecution

This is the error I got:

> Task :app:kaptDevDebugKotlin FAILED
  location: package
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:kaptDevDebugKotlin'.
> A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptExecution
   > java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (no error message)

This is my custom BindingAdapter:

object BindingAdapters {

    @BindingAdapter(value = ["isVisible", "hide"], requireAll = false)
    fun setVisible(view: View, show: Boolean?, hide: Boolean?) {
        view.visibility = if (show != false) View.VISIBLE else if (hide != false) View.INVISIBLE else View.GONE

Usage in layout:

    isVisible="@{viewModel.isLoading()}" ... />


private val _isLoading = MutableLiveData<Boolean>(false)
val isLoading: LiveData<Boolean> = _isLoading

I don't know what's happening, I've always used this method without problem. Today I've added the "hide" parameter and BAM KaptExecution InvocationTargetException.
The only workaround is changing my BindingAdapter object to:

    @BindingAdapter(value = ["isVisible", "hide"], requireAll = false)
    fun setVisible(view: View, show: Boolean?, hide: Boolean?) {
        view.visibility = if (show != false) View.VISIBLE else if (hide != false) View.INVISIBLE else View.GONE

    @BindingAdapter(value = ["isVisible"])
    fun setVisible(view: View, show: Boolean) {
        setVisible(view, show, false)

But this makes no sense, isn't the requireAll = false supposed to solve this? What am I missing here?


  • When you include a layout and want to change it visibility, you should do it via parameters. Following your example, your layout view_loading_small should have this:

                type="boolean" />

    Note: Add isVisible="@{visible}" on the view that you want to change visibility

    And your include:

        app:visible="@{viewModel.isLoading()}" ... />

    With this you should have no problems anymore. Also you can remove this:

        @BindingAdapter(value = ["isVisible"])
        fun setVisible(view: View, show: Boolean) {
            setVisible(view, show, false)

    One last thing, there’s a core-ktx extension function called isVisible:

    inline var View.isVisible: Boolean
        get() = visibility == View.VISIBLE
        set(value) {
            visibility = if (value) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE

    So to be 100% safe, I think its probably a good idea to name your custom function with something else.

    Hope it helps! Regards!