I am working on Youtube API.
The base URL is <https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search/>
Request :GET
ApiService Interface code-
public interface ApiService {
Call<YoutubeResponse> searchVideos(@Query("part") String part,
@Query("q") String q,@Query("key") String apiKey);
The error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Missing either @GET URL or @Url parameter. in the line of code
Call<YoutubeResponse> call=service.searchVideos("snippet",s, URLConstants.Youtube_API_KEY);
It's much more semantically correct to use https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/ as your base URL and then declare @GET("search/")
on your service method.
That said, if you really want your base URL to be the full path you can use @GET(".")
to declare that your final URL is the same as your base URL.