I have a pb with my for each loop.
i want to iterate on my user list and for each, i i a api call to do to get some others stats informations. but the loop go to next before the call response of the first element.
I undestand that the for each is synchronous and not the subscribe... so How can i do this ?
here is my code source :
this.users.forEach(userid => {
this.httpClient.get(url).subscribe((res: DayStat[]) => {
res.forEach(y => {
// do some stuff
// do some others stuffs
console.log ('end loop');
// do some others stuffs;
log order :
end loop;
thanks for your help !
It's happening because http request is asynchronous, this solution should help
async method() {
for (const userid of this.users) {
const res: DayStat[] = await this.httpClient.get(url).toPromise();
res.forEach(y => {
// do some stuff
console.log ('end loop');
// do some others stuffs;