This is the routine I use for rendering the tiles
private static void renderTile(int x1, int y1, int size) {
double halfSize = size/2;
glVertex2d(x1 + halfSize, y1 + halfSize);
glVertex2d(x1 + halfSize, y1 - halfSize);
glVertex2d(x1 - halfSize, y1 - halfSize);
glVertex2d(x1 - halfSize, y1 - halfSize);
glVertex2d(x1 - halfSize, y1 + halfSize);
glVertex2d(x1 + halfSize, y1 + halfSize);
Now, the routine works, but, it looks a bit messy. Is there a better way to do this with Java OpenGL + LWJGL?
Your code in old GL has major problems:
and int
forcing costly conversion between typesdouble
Much faster would be to use glVertex2dv
and precompute the coordinates once into some table (sadly your current api does not support static table that would require change in your app architecture). From that its a simple small leap into VBO usage btw. Also doubles
are usually wasted in old GL as the interpolators are 32bit anyways (even on new HW). So to optimize I would convert your code to something like this (sorry not a JAVA coder I code in C++ so it might be syntacticaly incorrect):
private static void renderTile(float x, float y, float size)
const float a = 0.5*size;
const float p[4*2]=
glVertex2fv(p); p+=2;
glVertex2fv(p); p+=2;
glVertex2fv(p); p+=2;
glVertex2fv(p); p+=2;
However if you want true power then use VBO. See