I am currently writing a program that pulls weather info from openweathermaps api. It returns a JSON string such as this:
rain","icon":"10n"}],"base":"stations","main": ...more json
I have this method below which writes the string to a .json and allows me to get the values from it.
public String readJSON() {
JSONParser parse = new JSONParser();
String ret = "";
try {
FileReader reader = new FileReader("C:\\Users\\mattm\\Desktop\\Java Libs\\JSON.json");
Object obj = parse.parse(reader);
JSONObject Jobj = (JSONObject) obj;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
return ret;
The problem is it only allows me to get the outer values such as "coord"
and "weather"
. So currently since I have System.out.println(Jobj.get("weather"));
it will return [{"icon":"10n","description":"light rain","main":"Rain","id":500}]
but I want to actually get the values that are inside of that like the description
value and the main
value. I haven't worked much with JSONs so there may be something obvious I am missing. Any ideas on how I would do this?
You can use JsonPath (https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath) to extract some json field/values directly.
var json = "{\"coord\":{\"lon\":\"-95.94\",\"lat\":\"41.26\"},\n" +
" \"weather\":[{\"id\":\"500\",\"main\":\"Rain\",\"description\":\"light\"}]}";
var main = JsonPath.read(json, "$.weather[0].main"); // Rain