I have some common Javascript which I would like to execute on the event of any NyroModal dialog being opened.
How do I assign an event handler for, say, the 'on load' (or whatever) event of the NyroModal component?
All of the NyroModal's event handlers can be set in its 'options' object, which you can set using the '$.nmObj' function (by passing an object containing the keys/values you want to set).
To handle the on-load of a popup, you probably want the 'afterShowCont' handler:
callbacks: {
afterShowCont: function(nm) {
See a full list of events here: http://nyromodal.nyrodev.com/#filters
Note: The 'nm' parameter will contain an instance of the NyroModal object, which allows you to alter the content, manipulate the NyroModal, etc.