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How to convert a string-type position to a Coord-type position?

In my work a txt file is read, among the data in it, there are geographical positions of the vehicles. Due to a problem I am having at the time of reading this file, I want to read this information as the string type, but I need to store the position information as the Coord type. Is it possible to convert a string to Coord?


error: invalid operands to binary expression ('__istream_type' (aka 'basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >') and 'veins::Coord')

The error is shown when "while ()" reads the "position" variable as type Coord. The way I thought it would be easier would be to get the position as a string and then convert it to the Coord type and store it in chData.position.

Code of the method used:

std::ifstream file;"chFile.txt");

    if(file.is_open()) {

        int sector;
        int ch;
        Coord position;

        while (file >> sector >> ch >> position) {

            chTableStruct chData;
   = ch;
            chData.position = position;


    else {
        std::cout << "The file chFile.txt cannot be opened! it exists?" << endl;

chFile.txt file:

2 20 (401.467,223.4,0)
3 52 (201.446,223.4,0)
1 31 (201.461,623.4,0)


  • First of all, sorry my poor English...

    When I need to read a string and convert to Coord, in VEINS + OMNeT simulator I do this:

    Coord MyClass::strToCoord(std::string coordStr){
        //this 2 lines is will remove () if necessary
        coordStr.erase(remove(coordStr.begin(), coordStr.end(), '('), coordStr.end()); //remove '(' from string
        coordStr.erase(remove(coordStr.begin(), coordStr.end(), ')'), coordStr.end()); //remove ')' from string
        char coordCh[30]; //30 or a sufficiently large number
        double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
        char *token = strtok(coordCh, ",");
        x = stold(token);
        token = strtok(NULL, ",");
        y = stold(token);
        token = strtok(NULL, ",");
        z = stold(token);
        cout << "x= " << x << ", y= " << y << ", z= " << z << endl; //comment this line to disable debugging
        return Coord(x,y,z);

    But I don't know if there is already a method implemented in VEINS to do this.

    I hope I helped you.