I have a ReactJS project that's using i18n.js for translations.
In i18n JSON file I have a line like this:
"register": {
"terms": "I have read and accept the Terms of Service"
I want only the "Terms of Service" part of the sentence to be a link.
At first I tried something like this:
<label className="lead">
{i18n.t('register.terms').substr(0, 27)}<a href="#">{i18n.t('register.terms').substr(27, 43)}</a>
But well, of course it does not work with any other language than english.
Is there a way to do this without splitting the string value in two fields in the JSON file?
You can create an array.
"terms": ["I have read and accept the ", "Terms of Service"]
And then get the values like that:
<p>{i18n.t('terms.0')}<a href="#">{i18n.t('terms.1')}</a></p>