I'm designing some codes of data bus-system by using ideal SRAM and CPU. I want to write memory mem[0] -> IR, and read memory IR -> mem[1], and finally write memory mem[1] -> DR.
But I'm having some problems. Here are the codes, and I'm very confused about making port of input, output, reg, wire. I'm having hard time using 2 DUTs by 1 Testbench. How can I avoid error by modifying this codes?
module sram(addr,clk,din,dout,we);
parameter addr_width = 12, word_depth = 4096, word_width = 16;
input clk,we;
input [addr_width-1:0] addr;
input [word_width-1:0] din;
output [word_width-1:0] dout;
reg [word_width-1:0] mem [0:word_depth-1];
reg [word_width-1:0] dout;
always @(posedge clk) begin
mem[addr] <= din[word_width-1:0];
always @(posedge clk) begin
#1 dout <= mem[addr];
module cpu(clk,load,reset,select,ir,dr,ac,ar,pc,addr,we);
input clk,reset;
input [1:0]select;
input [1:0]load;
output reg[15:0] ir,dr,ac;
output reg[11:0] ar,pc;
input we;
input [11:0] addr;
reg[15:0] din;
wire[15:0] dout;
sram sram(addr,clk,din,dout,we);
always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
if(!reset) begin
ar <= 12'b0; ir <= 16'b0; pc <= 12'b0; dr <= 16'b0; ac <= 16'b0;
if(select==2'b01 && load==2'b01 && we==1)
ir[15:0] <= dout[15:0];
else if(select==2'b01 && load==2'b10 && we==0)
din[15:0] <= ir[15:0];
else if(select==2'b10 && load==2'b01 && we==1)
dr[15:0] <= dout[15:0];
module tb_cpu();
parameter addr_width = 12, word_depth = 4096, word_width = 16;
reg clk,reset,we;
reg [1:0]select;
reg [1:0]load;
reg [addr_width-1:0] addr;
wire [word_width-1:0] ir,dr,ac;
wire [word_width-5:0] ar,pc;
integer file_pointer;
integer file_pointer2;
cpu cpu(clk,load,reset,select,ir,dr,ac,ar,pc,addr,we);
always #5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
clk = 0; addr = 12'b0; we = 0; reset = 1;
#2 reset = 0; #2 reset = 1;
$readmemb("sram.dat", tb_cpu.cpu.sram.mem);
file_pointer = $fopen("reg.dat");
file_pointer2 = $fopen("memory.dat");
#10 select = 2'b01; load = 2'b01; we = 1; addr = 12'b000000000000; //cycle 1
#10 select = 2'b01; load = 2'b10; we = 0; addr = 12'b000000000001; //cycle 2
#10 select = 2'b10; load = 2'b01; we = 1; addr = 12'b000000000001; //cycle 3
$fdisplay(file_pointer, "AR = %b", tb_cpu.cpu.ar);
$fdisplay(file_pointer, "IR = %b", tb_cpu.cpu.ir);
$fdisplay(file_pointer, "PC = %b", tb_cpu.cpu.pc);
$fdisplay(file_pointer, "DR = %b", tb_cpu.cpu.dr);
$fdisplay(file_pointer, "AC = %b", tb_cpu.cpu.ac);
$fdisplay(file_pointer2, "mem[0000 0000 0000] = %b",tb_cpu.cpu.sram.mem[000000000000]);
$fdisplay(file_pointer2, "mem[0000 0000 0001] = %b",tb_cpu.cpu.sram.mem[000000000001]);
$fdisplay(file_pointer2, "mem[0000 0000 0010] = %b",tb_cpu.cpu.sram.mem[000000000010]);
#10 $finish;
I get compile errors for your code in the tb_cpu
module regarding the tb_cpu.sram
hierarchical specifier. You should change all:
For example, change:
$readmemb("sram.dat", tb_cpu.sram.mem);
$readmemb("sram.dat", tb_cpu.cpu.sram.mem);
After I fix those compile errors, I also see compile warnings related to addr
and we
. I think you need to add addr
and we
input ports to the cpu
module, with proper connections.
Module cpu
module cpu(clk,load,reset,select,ir,dr,ac,ar,pc,addr,we);
parameter addr_width = 12, word_depth = 4096, word_width = 16;
input we;
input [addr_width-1:0] addr;
Module tb_cpu
cpu cpu(clk,load,reset,select,ir,dr,ac,ar,pc,addr,we);