I am trying to program space invaders in C++ I am not an expert and decided to store the enemies in a multidimensional array.
Here each enemy is a column. The rows are from top to bottom: x, y1,y2,y3,y4,y5 and enemy health. y1 is the lowest row (or the row of enemies closest to the player).
When I currently shoot my bullet at the enemies, the entire row of enemies disappears, but I want just one enemy to disappear per bullet. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong please?
if (keys.fire && bullet.health == 0)
bullet.y = width - spriteSize;
bullet.x = player.x;
bullet.dy = 1;
bullet.dx = 0;
bullet.health = 1;
bullet.y -= bullet.dy;
bullet.x += bullet.dx;
if(bullet.health > 0)
drawSprite(Bullet, bullet.x, bullet.y);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
for(int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
if(distanceBetween(enemies[0][i], enemies[j][i], bullet.x, bullet.y) < 20)
enemies[6][i] = 0; //Enemy Health
enemies[j][i] = -1;
bullet.health = 0;
for(int sprite = 1; sprite < 6; sprite++)
drawSprite(Enemy1, aliens[0][i], aliens[sprite][i]);
You are using common enemy health per each row, so all enemies in a row will die as you says.
To avoid this, you have to allocate enemy healthes for each enemies.
possible fix:
for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
for(int j=1; j<6; j++)
if(distanceBetween(enemies[0][i], enemies[j][i], bullet.x, bullet.y)<20)
enemies[5+j][i]=0; //Enemy Health
bullet.health = 0;
drawSprite(Enemy1, aliens[0][i], aliens[j][i]);
Now you have to allocate (at least) 11 elements instead of 7 for each row of the array enemies