I would like to use plymouth in yocto, however nowhere I can see involves some kind of a usage manual for plymouth in yocto. I am using an ARMv6-based Embedded device and would like to compile plymouth with yocto. As far as I know, Yocto does not involve initramfs by default, so I assumed I would do the following things in order to use plymouth-based splash screen in Yocto.
to bblayers.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "dracut plymouth"
This runs and compiles perfectly. However, I cant see any splash screen, nor do I see any binary to use as initramfs manually.
Note that I already have a psplash package running as a splash screen.
IMAGE_FEATURES_append = "splash"
I would like to know how to configure Yocto so that I can use Plymouth.
Any pointers, guidance would help me. Thanks a lot in advance.
Edit: Now I'm able to generate initramfs images with plymouth included. The files that I can see are either named *.cpio.gz
or Image-..initramfs.bin
. I don't know which file to use and how to mount it.
You need to set PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/psplash = "plymouth" on your local.conf.