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How to reestablish a JDBC connection after a timeout?

I have a long-running method which executes a large number of native SQL queries through the EntityManager (TopLink Essentials). Each query takes only milliseconds to run, but there are many thousands of them. This happens within a single EJB transaction. After 15 minutes, the database closes the connection which results in following error:

Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.1 (Build b02-p04 (04/12/2010))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection
Error Code: 17008
Call: select ...
Query: DataReadQuery()
at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(
RAR5031:System Exception.
javax.resource.ResourceException: This Managed Connection is not valid as the phyiscal connection is not usable
at com.sun.gjc.spi.ManagedConnection.checkIfValid(

In the JDBC connection pool I set is-connection-validation-required="true" and connection-validation-method="table" but this did not help .

I assumed that JDBC connection validation is there to deal with precisely this kind of errors. I also looked at TopLink extensions ( for some kind of timeout settings but found nothing. There is also the TopLink session configuration file ( but I don't think there is anything useful there either.

I don't have access to the Oracle DBA tables, but I think that Oracle closes connections after 15 minutes according to the setting in CONNECT_TIME profile variable.

Is there any other way to make TopLink or the JDBC pool to reestablish a closed connection?

The database is Oracle 10g, application server is Sun Glassfish 2.1.1.


  • Unless you've got some sort of RAC failover, when the connection is terminated, it will end the session and transaction.

    The admins may have set into some limits to prevent runaway transactions or a single job 'hogging' a connection in a pool. You generally don't want to lock a connection in a pool for an extended period.

    If these queries aren't necessarily part of the same transaction, then you could try terminating and restarting a new connection.

    Are you able to restructure your code so that it completes in under 15 minutes. A stored procedure in the background may be able to do the job a lot quicker than dragging the results of thousands of operations over the network.