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C++ Custom HashTable usage gives SegFault

I had to implement a Linked HashTable for a project. Now I have to come up with an excercise and a solution to it using my hashtable. Everything works just fine, except I get random Segfault errors.

By Random I mean: It is the same line of code that causes it, but always at different times, calls. I tested my code in Atom, Codeblocks and in Visual Studio Code. Both Atom and CB threw SegFault error, but VS Code ran it just fine without a problem.

NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE FULL/REAL CODE. It's part of a header file that is included in the main.cpp file which is then compiled and ran. The Code:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

template<class T>
struct Node
  string data;
  Node *next;

class List
    Node *head, *tail;
    int length;
    friend class HashTable;
    List(const List &L);
    //~List() {delete this;};
    List& operator =(List L);
    int find(string);
    void insert(string value);
    void remove_head();
    void remove_poz(int);
    void remove_tail();
    void clear();
    void display();

   head = NULL;
   tail = NULL;
   length = 0;

string List<string>::findByIndex(int ind)
    int i = 0;
    Node<string>* temp = new Node<string>;
    temp = head;
    while (temp != NULL)
        if (i == ind) return temp->data;
        temp = temp->next;
    delete temp;
    return "-1";

template<class T>
void List<T>::remove_head()
  Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;
  temp = head;
  head = head->next;
  delete temp;

template<class T>
void List<T>::remove_pos(int pos)
  int i;
  Node<T>* curr = new Node<T>;
  Node<T>* prev = new Node<T>;
  curr = head;
  for (i = 1; i < pos; ++i)
      prev = curr;
      curr = curr->next;
  if (curr)
    prev->next = curr->next;
  else cout << "Error" << endl;

template<class T>
void List<T>::remove_tail()
  Node<T>* curr = new Node<T>;
  Node<T>* prev = new Node<T>;
  curr = head;
  while (curr->next != NULL)
      prev = curr;
      curr = curr->next;
  tail = prev;
  prev->next = NULL;
  delete curr;

class HashTable
    List *table;
    float load, stored;
    int slots;
    friend class List;
    int hashFunc(string key);
    int findTable(string);
    int findList(string);
    HashTable& operator =(const HashTable&);
    void resize();    //I need this one
    void insert(string);
    void remove(string);
    void clear(int);
    void clear();
    void display();

  stored = 0;
  load = 0.00;
  slots = 15;
  table = new List[slots];

int HashTable::hashFunc(string key)
  int g, h = 0;
    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < key.size(); ++i)
        h = (h << 4) + (int)(key[i]);
        g = h & 0xF0000000L;
        if (g != 0)
            h = h ^ (g >> 24);
        h = h & ~g;
    return h % slots;

template<class T>
void HashTable<T>::remove(T value)
  int ind = hashFunc(value);
  int findInd = table[ind].findByValue(value);

  if (findInd == 0)

  else if (findInd < table[ind].length)

  else table[ind].remove_tail();

  if (table[ind].isEmpty()) occupied--;
  load = stored / slots;

The function that would cause the segfault: (This would be called over and over again in a loop till I don't have more elements in my table)

string reakcio(HashTable<string>& HT, int tarolok)
    const int anyagszam = rand() % 4 + 2; //Min 2, Max 5 anyag hasznalodik
    int i = 0, j;
    string anyagok[5];
    string eredmeny;

    for(j = 0; j < tarolok && i < anyagszam; ++j) //elemek kivetele
            anyagok[i++] = HT.table[j].findByIndex(1); //This line right here is the culprit :(

    const int siker = rand() % 4 + 0; //75% esely a sikerre
    if (siker)
        eredmeny = anyagok[0];
        for(i = 1; i < anyagszam; ++i)
            eredmeny += " + " + anyagok[i];
        eredmeny = "Sikertelen reakcio";
    return eredmeny;

(Note: only the functions that might be needed are shown here)

Every element of my hashtable, or of my lists is a 10 character long random string value. srand(time(NULL)) is used before the function call in main.cpp

Any help or advice would be much appreciated, as I'm stuck at this and I really need to move on to the next portion of my exercise, but I can't without this.

The main.cpp file:

#include <iostream>
//#include "LinkedHash.h"
#include "functions.cpp"

int main()
  HashTable<string> Anyagok;
  int tarolok;

  tarol(Anyagok); //Stores the data from file, no problem here, functions.cpp
  tarolok = Anyagok.getSlots();

  int i = 1;
  while (Anyagok.getStored() > 5 )
    cout<<reakcio(Anyagok, tarolok)<<" "<<i++<<endl;

  return 0;

The LinkedHash.h contains the hashtable and the list, the functions.cpp contains the problematic function.

EDIT: By suggestion I changed out the

Node<string>* temp = new Node<string>;
temp = head;

part to

Node<string>* temp = head;

Also removed the delete line. But my problem is still the same :/


  • Everything works just fine, except I get random Segfault errors

    Then nothing works at all.

    A first review show little care to the cornercases in the list class. You need to define a correct behavior for

    • operation on empty lists
    • operation on first and last element
    • key not found during search

    Notable errors found:

    • remove_head, remove_tail will segfault on empty list. head is NULL. head->next is invalid memory access. Similar errors are all over the implementation.
    • HashTable<T>::remove(T value) will always remove something. Even if the value argument is not in the hashtable. This is deeply flawed
    • findByIndex returning "-1" make no sense. "-1" is a valid input.
    • Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>;temp = head;. You just leaked memory. You need a pointer to manipulate node addresses. You should not instantiate Nodes to get a pointer. This is not an issue (ie not noticeable) for a small projet, but unacceptable for a real implementation.