I have a program that loops all emails in Office 365 using the EWS services and if the match some criteria they get tagged with a category. I then what to create a seachfolder that looks mails that has the category.
This is my code
SearchFolder searchFolder = new SearchFolder(service);
SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Categories, categoryName);
searchFolder.DisplayName = "Mulige CPR-data";
searchFolder.SearchParameters.Traversal = SearchFolderTraversal.Deep;
searchFolder.SearchParameters.SearchFilter = filter;
Console.WriteLine(searchFolder.DisplayName + " added.");
catch (Exception e)
//error handling
The Seachfolder is created but when i access it in Outlook 365 I get a message saying something like "Nothing found" (I have the danish version, so not sure about the english message).
After som trial and error I found that i this instead it works fine
SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Subject, "subjectTest");
So my question is why are my seachfolder not working when using categories but working fine when checking for something i the subject.
Bonus info - If I create a seachfolder in outlook using the same seach criteria(category) it works fine.
EWS SearchFilters don't support the logic for querying Multi-valued string properties (while the underlying Store Restriction does which is why it works in Outlook which uses MAPI). Eg your search filter won't work in a FindItem Request either. In the Microsoft Graph it seems they have supported some additional search logic so you can create Search folders that will do a MV Search eg the following would work
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.mailSearchFolder",
"displayName": "Red Items",
"includeNestedFolders": true,
"sourceFolderIds": [
"filterQuery": "categories/any(a:a eq 'Red Category')"