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Spring Data JPA findAll with different EntityGraph

in Spring Data JPA Repository i need to specify multiple methods that do the same thing (eg. findAll) but specifying different @EntityGraph annotation (the goal is to have optimized methods to use in different services).


public interface UserRepository extends JpaSpecificationExecutor<User>, JpaRepository<User, Long> {

@EntityGraph(attributePaths = { "roles" })
findAll[withRoles](Specification sp);

@EntityGraph(attributePaths = { "groups" })
findAll[withGroups](Specification sp);


In Java we can't have same method sign multiple times, so how to manage it?

Is it possible without using JPQL?




  • You can use EntityGraphJpaSpecificationExecutor to pass different entitygraph based on your method.

    public interface UserRepository extends JpaSpecificationExecutor<User>, JpaRepository<User, Long>, EntityGraphJpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {

    In your service class, you can call find all with entity graph.

    List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(specification, new NamedEntityGraph(EntityGraphType.FETCH, "graphName"))

    Like above, you can use a different entity graph different based on your requirement.