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Trying to load large video but getting '503 Service Unavailable'

I'm having a problem loading a large video into the browser. I have a video.php file, which creates a $token to access the product specified in $_GET['product'] and then video.js requests access to the video files.

<video id="viewer"
class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered"
data-setup='{ "controls": true, "autoplay": false, "preload": "metadata" }'
height="500" width="1000" disablePictureInPicture controls="disabled">
  <source src="videostream?type=m3u8&path=<?php echo $token; ?>/prog_index.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL">

The server should then return the chunks of the video. The videos are stored like this:

- products
-- 1
--- prog_index.m3u8
--- fileSequence0.ts
--- fileSequence1.ts
--- fileSequence2.ts
--- and so on...

It duplicates the folder to tmp with the name of the folder is the token. Let's say the token was 1234123412341234:

- tmp
-- 1234123412341234
--- prog_index.m3u8
--- fileSequence0.ts
--- fileSequence1.ts
--- fileSequence2.ts
--- and so on...

And the files get deleted as they are loaded.

When I try to access, I get 503 Service Unavailable.

The total size of the video files are about 1-2GB big and I'm using GoDaddy hosting.



  • I found out that my PHP was timing out. My php.ini file had a max_execution_time of 600 (5 minutes), so when I changed the max_execution_time to -1, it fixed the problem.