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Calling handle_info from handle_cast/handle_call order of execution

I have a gen_server and i do not understand the following:

-record(state,{ count=0}).

     self() ! something,
      NewCount=case Message of 
                   0 -> C+1;
                   true ->C,

Given the above code i want to understand the following thing:
-assuming i enter handle_cast and i send something to the mailbox of the gen_server which fits the handle_info case, will the handle_info get called on a different thread right then and there ( self() ! Message while i am still evaluating the handle_cast?

What is the order in which things unfold ?

  • A

    • handle_cast enter
    • handle_cast send to own mailbox
    • handle_cast returns
    • handle_info gets triggered
  • B

    1. handle_cast enter
    2. handle_cast send to own mailbox
      3.handle_info gets triggered (concurrently) and may alter state
    3. handle_cast may or may not end before handle_info finishes , and can get state altered by handle_info


  • The answer is A. All handlers of gen_server - like handle_cast or handle_info - are always executed in the same single process. The message send to self within handle_cast will be received by the gen_server implementation after the handle_cast callback returns. Only then handle_info will be called, and handle_info will receive the state returned from handle_cast.

    Generally, all gen_server handlers are always called sequentially, and the state returned by a handler is passed to the handler which is called next.