I am creating a java program that simulates the card game "war". Be warned, I am pretty new to coding. There are 54 cards in my deck, including two jokers. After a war has started, my program runs endless wars and continues adding more and more cards to my players' decks. Can anyone see what I am missing? This is my play function:
public void play() {
roundCount = 1;
//make sure player decks are not empty
while (!player1.isEmpty() && !player2.isEmpty()) {
//lay down top card
Card p1card = player1.pop();
Card p2card = player2.pop();
//report cards played
System.out.println("Round: " + roundCount + "\n" + "Player One Card: " + p1card + "\n" + "Player Two Card: " + p2card);
//if player one wins, add both cards to player one deck
if (p1card.getValue() > p2card.getValue()) {
System.out.println("Player One wins this Round.");
//check card counts
System.out.println("Player One new card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two new card count: " + player2.size() + "\n");
//if player two wins, add both cards to player two deck
else if (p2card.getValue() > p1card.getValue()) {
System.out.println("Player Two wins this Round.");
//check card counts
System.out.println("Player One new card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two new card count: " + player2.size() + "\n");
//if values are equal, start a war
else if (p1card.getValue() == p2card.getValue()) {
System.out.println("Time to declare war!");
//set up arrays to store cards used in the war
ArrayList<Card> p1List = new ArrayList<Card>();
ArrayList<Card> p2List = new ArrayList<Card>();
//call warRound function
warRound(player1, player2, p1List, p2List);
//if player one wins the war, add initial round cards
if (warRound(player1, player2, p1List, p2List) == player1) {
//check card counts
System.out.println("Player One card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two card count: " + player2.size());
//if player two wins the war, add initial round cards
else if (warRound(player1, player2, p1List, p2List) == player2) {
//check card counts
System.out.println("Player One card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two card count: " + player2.size());
//player one runs out of cards
if (player1.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Player Two has won the game.");
System.out.println("Player One card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two card count: " + player2.size());
//player two runs out of cards
else if (player2.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Player One has won the game.");
System.out.println("Player One card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two card count: " + player2.size());
and then this is my function that runs wars:
public Player warRound(Player player1, Player player2, ArrayList<Card> p1List, ArrayList<Card> p2List) {
warCount = 1;
//check that players have enough cards for the war
if (player1.size()>=4 && player2.size()>=4) {
//lay down three cards for each player
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//temporary test to make sure for loops add correct amount of cards
System.out.println("Test: " + p1List.size() + p2List.size());
//cards used to determine war winner
Card p1War = player1.pop();
System.out.println("Player one war card: " + p1War);
Card p2War = player2.pop();
System.out.println("Player two war card: " + p2War);
//war outcomes
if (p1War.getValue() > p2War.getValue()) {
//if player one wins, add cards from both arrays to player one deck
for (Card retrieveCard : p1List) {
for (Card wonCard : p2List) {
//add cards that determined winner to player one deck
System.out.println("Player One won the war!");
return player1;
} else if (p1War.getValue() < p2War.getValue()) {
//if player two wins, add cards from both arrays to player two deck
for (Card retrieveCard : p2List) {
for (Card wonCard : p1List) {
//add cards used to determine war winner to player two deck
System.out.println("Player Two won the war!");
//check card counts
return player2;
} else {
//if there is a double war, add initial comparison cards to arrayList
//call for another war round
System.out.println("A war within a war has begun!");
//check each player has enough cards for another war
if (player1.size()>=4 && player2.size()>=4) {
warRound(player1, player2, p1List, p2List);
//if one player does not have enough cards for another war, other player wins
else if (player1.size()<4 || player2.size()<4) {
System.out.println("One of the players does not have enough cards for a war!");
if (player1.size() > player2.size()) {
System.out.println("Player Two ran out of cards, and Player One is the winner!");
return null;
} else if (player2.size() > player1.size()) {
System.out.println("Player One ran out of cards, and Player Two is the winner!");
return null;
//if one player does not have enough cards for war, other player wins
else if (player1.size()<4 || player2.size()<4) {
if (player1.size() > player2.size()) {
System.out.println("Player Two ran out of cards, and Player One is the winner!");
return player1;
} else if (player2.size() > player1.size()) {
System.out.println("Player One ran out of cards, and Player Two is the winner!");
return player2;
throw new IllegalStateException();
I also have a function in this class that initializes the deck, and my print statements show that it is working correctly. I have separate classes that create the cards, the initial deck, and my players. If it would be helpful to show these classes I can post an update with more code. Thank you in advance.
(edited to add my player class)
package midterm_proj;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
public class Player {
//instance variables
private ArrayDeque<Card> playerdeck;
public Player() {
playerdeck = new ArrayDeque<Card>(); //construct w/empty deck
public void addCard(Card c) {
public String toString() {
String sb = "";
for (var card : playerdeck) {
sb += card.getValue() + card.getSuit() + "\n";
return sb;
public boolean isEmpty() {
if (playerdeck.size()!=0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
public int size() { return playerdeck.size(); }
public Card pop() {
Card topCard = playerdeck.pop();
return topCard;
I didn't realize that because I used warRound
in my if
statement, I was calling the function again. I instead set a variable for the result. i.e.,
roundResult = warRound(player1, player2, p1List, p2List);
and then I used the variable in my if
statements instead, like this:
if (roundResult == player1) {
//check card counts
System.out.println("Player One card count: " + player1.size());
System.out.println("Player Two card count: " + player2.size());