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Regression Output in Shiny

I am trying to generate a shiny app that allows a user to select a dependent and independent variable and then displays a table with the results. This is what I have:

rule <- c("bb_rule", "pp_rule", "cb_rule")
dependent <- c("inning_fr", "innings_se", "inning_rain")

ui <- navbarPage(theme = shinytheme("simplex"), "App", 

                 tabPanel("Regression Results",
                            h3("Have Rule Changes Transformed ODI Cricket?"),
                              selectInput("depInput", "Dependent Variable",
                              selectInput("ruleInput", "Rule",

server <- function(input, output) {


output$regression <-
      data %>% 
        lm(input$depInput ~ input$ruleInput, data = .) %>%
        tidy( %>% 
        select(Variable = term,
               Estimate = estimate,
               `Lower Bound` = conf.low,
               `Upper Bound` = conf.high) %>%
        gt() %>% 
        tab_header(title = "Effect of Hours on Reported Approval Rating",
                   subtitle = "Data from TWT Archive")})



shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Unfortunately, this isn't working and I get an error that Error: contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels

However, if I directly input the variable names in the server, everything works just fine. It seems to be a problem of shiny not being able to use the input in the regression model.


  • @phil comments on getting this to work are correct. But I feel a bit more context is needed.

    Normally, we run lm with unquoted variable names:

    lm(formula= Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris)

    But input$rule and input$dep evaluate to character. So in effect, the code is asking shiny to execute:

    lm(formula= "Sepal.Width" ~ "Sepal.Length", data = iris)

    which will result in error. To use the shiny inputs in lm we have to convert to symbol (sym), and then force early evaluation (!!), like @phil showed.