i've written the following function:
createEl : function (type, id, className, parent, value) {
var el= document.createElement(type);
el.id = id;
el.className = className;
return el;
with this code :
var imageTD = this.createEl("td", null, "TD-IMAGE", bodyTR, bd);
css is addressed. but with this code :
var imageTD = this.createEl('td', null, "TD-IMAGE".concat(entrie.isBefore(now)?"_DIMMED":'', bodyTR, bd);
nothing happens. what did i make wrong ? Here is the complete code-section:
getDom: function() {
var wrapper = this.createEl("div", null, null, null, null);
// tell MM to call and get our content
if ((moment() > this.midnight) || (!this.loaded)) {
var month = moment().month();
var year = moment().year();
var monthName = moment().format("MMMM");
var monthLength = moment().daysInMonth();
var now = moment();
if(Object.keys(this.active_birthdays).length > 0) {
// create your table here
var table = this.createEl("table", "birthday-table", "TABLE", wrapper, null);
// create tableheader here, array of column names
var table_header = this.createTableHeader(table, "THEAD", [" "," "]);
// create TBODY section with day names
var tBody = this.createEl('tBody', "birthday-tbody", "TBODY", table, null);
var birthdays_seen = {};
for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)) {
for(var person of this.active_birthdays[birthday]) {
// create looped row section
var bodyTR = this.createEl('tr', "birthday-tr-body", "TR-BODY", tBody, null);
let now = moment();
let entrie = moment(birthday,"DD.MM");
if(this.config.dimmEntries) {
entrie = moment(birthday,'DD.MM');
// delete leading 0 and month
var bd = "";
if(birthdays_seen[birthday] == undefined) {
bd = (birthday.startsWith("0")? birthday.substring(1): birthday).split('.')[0];
var imageTD = this.createEl('td', null, "TD-IMAGE".concat(entrie.isBefore(now)?"_DIMMED":'', bodyTR, bd);
var nameTD = this.createEl("td", null, "TD-BODY".concat(entrie.isBefore(now)?"_DIMMED":'', bodyTR, person.name);
this.createEl("span", null, "TD-AGE", nameTD, " ");
// needs class for width
var spanTDo = this.createEl("span", null, "TD-AGE".concat(entrie.isBefore(now)?"_DIMMED":'', nameTD, person.age);
// add a break
this.createEl("br", null , null , spanTDo, null);
// add a span with name
var nameTD = this.createEl("span", null, "TD-BODY".concat(entrie.isBefore(now)?"_DIMMED":'',spanTDo, person.name);
// add a span with age
var spanTD = this.createEl("span", null, "TD-AGE".concat(entrie.isBefore(now)?"_DIMMED":'', spanTDo, person.age);
var spacerTR = this.createEl("tr", null, null , tBody, null);
var spacerTD = this.createEl("td", null, "SPACER", spacerTR, " ");
spacerTD.colSpan = "2";
birthdays_seen[birthday] = true;
// Create TFOOT section -- currently used for debugging only
if (this.config.debugging) {
var table_footer = this.createTableFooter(tBody, null, [" "," "]);
//footerTD.innerHTML = "Birthdaylist is currently in DEBUG mode!<br />Please see console log.";
else {
var table_footer = this.createTableFooter(tBody, null, [" "," "]);
// pass the created content back to MM to add to DOM.
return wrapper;
// Dom is loaded
this.loaded = true;
many thanks in advance.
The problem is your parent element bodyTR
is undefined and bd
also (From the codebase you have been posted)
If you replace your code with :
function createEl (type, id, className, parent, value) {
const el = document.createElement(type);
el.id = id;
el.className = className;
return el;
const imageTD = this.createEl("td", null, "TD-IMAGE", document.body, 'test');
It's works !
Pro tips : use const/let when you decided to use variable is a common standard today