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Delete named ranges used for chart series when deleting the chart

Is there any way to delete named ranges used in chart series when the chart is being deleted? I use named ranges quite extensively in my daily work, also for charting. When I create charts I often name data ranges and THEN use them for chart series.

I am looking for a way to delete USED named ranges WHEN I delete the chart. I thought about chart "delete" event, but I cannot find any info about it (does it even exist???). The second issue is how to determine which ranges have been used for chart series? Deleting the named ranges is easy, but how to actually determine, which ranges have been used in chart series?

All help is MUCH appreciated. Apologies but I cannot provide you with any code, as I have no idea how to set things up


  • Try the next code please. The USED named ranges cannot be extract directly. I used a trick to extract the ranges form SeriesCollection formula. Then compare them with names RefersToRange.Address and delete the matching name. It (now) returns a boolean value in case of match (only to see it in Immediate Window), but not necessary for your purpose. The code also delete the invalid names (having their reference lost).

    Edited: I made some researches and I am afraid it is not possible to create a BeforeDelete event... It is an enumeration of events able to be created for a chart object, but this one is missing. I like to believe that I found a solution for your problem, respectively:

    1. Create a class able to enable BeforeRightClick event. Name it CChartClass and write the next code:

      Option Explicit

      Public WithEvents ChartEvent As Chart

      Private Sub ChartEvent_BeforeRightClick(Cancel As Boolean) Dim msAnswer As VbMsgBoxResult msAnswer = MsgBox("Do you like to delete the active chart and its involved Named ranges?" & vbCrLf & _ " If yes, please press ""Yes"" button!", vbYesNo, "Chart deletion confirmation") If msAnswer <> vbYes Then Exit Sub Debug.Print ActiveChart.Name, ActiveChart.Parent.Name testDeleteNamesAndChart (ActiveChart.Parent.Name) End Sub

    2. Create another class able to deal with workbook and worksheet events, name it CAppEvent and copy the next code:

      Option Explicit

      Public WithEvents EventApp As Excel.Application

      Private Sub EventApp_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) Set_All_Charts End Sub

      Private Sub EventApp_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object) Reset_All_Charts End Sub

      Private Sub EventApp_WorkbookActivate(ByVal Wb As Workbook) Set_All_Charts End Sub

      Private Sub EventApp_WorkbookDeactivate(ByVal Wb As Workbook) Reset_All_Charts End Sub

    3. Put the next code in a standard module (need to create a classes array in order to start the event for all existing sheet embedded charts):

    Option Explicit

    Dim clsAppEvent As New CAppEvent
    Dim clsChartEvent As New CChartClass
    Dim clsChartEvents() As New CChartClass
    Sub InitializeAppEvents()
      Set clsAppEvent.EventApp = Application
    End Sub
    Sub TerminateAppEvents()
      Set clsAppEvent.EventApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub Set_All_Charts()
        If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
            ReDim clsChartEvents(1 To ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count)
            Dim chtObj As ChartObject, chtnum As Long
            chtnum = 1
            For Each chtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
                Set clsChartEvents(chtnum).ChartEvent = chtObj.Chart
                chtnum = chtnum + 1
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Reset_All_Charts()
        ' Disable events for all charts
        Dim chtnum As Long
        On Error Resume Next
         Set clsChartEvent.ChartEvent = Nothing
         For chtnum = 1 To UBound(clsChartEvents)
            Set clsChartEvents(chtnum).ChartEvent = Nothing
         Next ' chtnum
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    Sub testDeleteNamesAndChart(strChName As String)
      Dim rng As Range, cht As Chart, sFormula As String
      Dim i As Long, j As Long, arrF As Variant, nRng As Range
      Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(strChName).Chart
      For j = 1 To cht.SeriesCollection.Count
        sFormula = cht.SeriesCollection(j).Formula: Debug.Print sFormula
        arrF = Split(sFormula, ",")
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrF) - 1
            If i = 0 Then
                Set nRng = Range(Split((Split(sFormula, ",")(i)), "(")(1))
                Set nRng = Range(Split(sFormula, ",")(i)) '(1)
            End If
            Debug.Print nRng.Address, matchName(nRng.Address)
        Next i
    End Sub
    Private Function matchName(strN As String) As Boolean
       Dim Nm As Name, strTemp As String
       For Each Nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
         On Error Resume Next
            strTemp = Nm.RefersToRange.Address
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                If strN = strTemp Then
                    matchName = True: Exit Function
                End If
            End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    1. Use the next events code in the ThisWorkbook module:

      Option Explicit

      Private Sub Workbook_Open() InitializeAppEvents End Sub

      Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) TerminateAppEvents End Sub

    Please confirm that it worked as you need