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Resizing array when elements are more than 1/2 of his size

I'm trying to resizing my array when N, the number of elements, is greater than m/2, m is the initial size of the array, but it doesn't work and I don't understand why. This array should work like an hashtable, so I have an hashing function before every insert, and after the resizing I want to insert again every element with a new hashing (m value changed). This is the error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(
    at JumpHashing.hashing(
    at JumpHashing.resize(
    at JumpHashing.put(

The problem is clearly the resizing, without it (with less than 23 elements) it works.

Inititial size of m is 23, this is the actual code (Class "In" for reading file from algs4):

public class JumpHashing{
    private int m;
    private int[] hashTable; 
    private static int id;
    private int N;

    public JumpHashing(){
        m = 23;
        hashTable = new int[m];
        N = 0;

    public void hashing(int value) {
            int key = (value*11)%m;
            put(key, value);

    public void put(int key, int value) {
        if(N <m/2) {
            hashTable[key] = value;
        } else {

    public void resize(int m) { 
        int[] temp = new int[m];
        for(int i=0; i<hashTable.length; i++) {
            temp[i] = hashTable[i];
        hashTable = new int[m];
        for(int i=0; i<temp.length; i++) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JumpHashing hashT1 = new JumpHashing();

        In file = new In("random.txt");
        while(file.hasNextLine()) {
            int value = Integer.parseInt(file.readLine());
        for(int j=0; j<hashT1.hashTable.length; j++) {
            StdOut.println("Key: "+j+" Value: "+hashT1.hashTable[j]);


  • You end up repeatedly calling resize until memory is used up. The problem is in this function:

        public void resize(int m) { 
            int[] temp = new int[m];  // <-- this is the new double-size of m
            for(int i=0; i<hashTable.length; i++) {
                temp[i] = hashTable[i];
            hashTable = new int[m];
            for(int i=0; i<temp.length; i++) {  // <-- here we go too far

    Your second loop goes through the full new 'm' size array, not the original m/2 size array. Half way plus one through the loop your N will be greater than m/2 again and it will call resize every time that happens.

    Here's what you should have in that function:

    public void resize(int m) {
        int[] oldHash = hashTable;
        hashTable = new int[m];
        for(int i=0; i<oldHash.length; i++) {
            if (oldHash[i] != 0) {     // <-- don't hash empty slots

    This also improves performance because you loop through just once and no more than m/2 times.