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How do I apply a skin tone to an emoji in JavaScript?

Given this emoji, how can I programmatically apply a skin tone in JavaScript?

Grinning face is 0x1F600.

Dark Skin Tone is 0x1F3FF.

Do I simply concatenate the values together?

The following code, based on the algorithm here, merely prints two characters out.

function units(codepoint) {
    const tmp = codepoint - 0x10000
    const padded = tmp.toString(2).padStart(20, '0')
    const unit1 = Number.parseInt(padded.substr(0, 10), 2) + 0xD800;
    const unit2 = Number.parseInt(padded.substr(10), 2) + 0xDC00;
    return [unit1, unit2]

const face = units(0x1F600)
const tone = units(0x1F3FF)
const ch = String.fromCharCode(...face, ...tone) 
console.log(ch) // 😀🏿


  • There are only few emojis that actually take up Skin Tones. For example, faces - man and women facepalming:

    function units(codepoint) {
        const tmp = codepoint - 0x10000
        const padded = tmp.toString(2).padStart(20, '0')
        const unit1 = Number.parseInt(padded.substr(0, 10), 2) + 0xD800;
        const unit2 = Number.parseInt(padded.substr(10), 2) + 0xDC00;
        return [unit1, unit2]
    const face = units(0x1F926)
    const tone = units(0x1F3FF)
    const ch = String.fromCharCode(...face, ...tone) 

    It's not possible with others that do not support colour variants. Here, in Every Emoji by Codepoint, you can find those support the Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick.

    No Modifier Support


    Modifier Supported
