below is my code for calculating gcd and lcm of two numbers. When i try with different test cases it works fine. But when i try to submit it on online platform it says wrong
package javapractice;
import java.util.*;
public class chef_gcdlcm {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
long t = input.nextInt();
long l,s,temp;
long A = input.nextLong();
long B = input.nextLong();
temp = 1;
if(A>B){ l = A;
s = B;}
else{ l = B;
s = A;
temp = l%s;
if(temp>s){l = temp;}
else{s = temp;}
long gcd = (A*B)/s;
System.out.println(s +" "+gcd);
}catch(Exception e){
It isn't necessary to do the swapping and comparing. If necessary, the values will be corrected after the first iteration.
Consider l = 24 and s = 36
save = s; save is 36
l %= s; l is still 24
s = l; s is now 24
l = save l is now 36
Modified code
try {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
long t = input.nextInt();
long l, s, temp;
while (t-- > 0) {
l = input.nextLong();
s = input.nextLong();
long A = s;
long B = l;
// doesn't matter which is larger. It will be corrected
// after the first iteration.
while (s > 0) {
temp = s;
l %= s;
s = l;
l = temp;
long lcm = (A / l) * B; // prevents overflow
System.out.println(l + " " + lcm);
} catch (Exception e) {
Note: It is not necessary, useful, and in general bad practice to close the scanner when it was created with
. This is because that also closes that input stream which will no longer be available for the duration of the program.