I am trying to make use of the PriorityQueue in Java.
I have a few custom objects and I add them into the queue this way:
Pet pet1 = new Pet();
Pet pet2 = new Pet();
Pet pet3 = new Pet();
PriorityQueue<Pet> queue = new PriorityQueue<Pet>();
At this point, I realise that my Pet objects must implement Comparable in order not to get ClassCastException from PriorityQueue. So I had my Pet implements Comparable, and then override the copmareTo(obj) method with just return 0.
But the weird thing is this here. When I...
queue.poll(); //return: pet1 queue: pet3, pet2
queue.poll(); //return: pet3 queue: pet2
Since I had added them in the order of pet1, pet2 and pet3, why on my first call to poll(), it sorted my pet sequences? Then this whole thing becomes no longer a queue anymore since its entry sequence isn't preserved, isn't it?
I suspect it may have to do with the Comparable interface and compareTo(obj) method. But all I needed is for it to maintain its entry sequence, so I don't really need to compare anything or sort anything at all.
How can I maintain its entry sequence in the queue?
In order to Preserver Sequence you have to use a normal Queue.
you will have to create an instance of something like a LinkedList linked list implements from Queue