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Binance.Net placing order with the entire quantity

I wanted to put orders with 100% of my quantity but I don't seem to find built-in functionality in Binance.Net, so I decided to make it myself.

var balance = _client.GetAccountInfo().Data.Balances.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Asset == "TRX").Free;
var orderId = _client.PlaceOrder("TRXUSDT", OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Limit, quantity: balance, price: 0.01460m, timeInForce: TimeInForce.GoodTillCancel);

The following code is selling 100% of my TRX quantity for USDT.

The problem is that I only have the crypto pair saved into my database (TRXUSDT) and I don't have TRX and USDT, separately. Of course, I could use substring but there are symbols with more than 3 symbols, e.g. MATICUSDT.

Yes, I could use StartsWith:

var asdf = client.GetAccountInfo().Data.Balances.Where(e => e.Asset.StartsWith("TRXUSDT".Substring(0, 3)));

This gets the first pair (TRX) but what about the second pair (USDT)? I can't think of any solution.


  • I would do that using

    That will return an object with all the Symbols and for each Symbol it will get you detailed information, such as the BaseAsset (first pair) And QuoteAsset (second pair):

    Using a for each through the Symbol list of the exchangeinfo object you can extract detailed info of each Symbol, such as the information of each pair