I have a Spring Boot project that is going to be using Quartz to manage the running of some scripts. The project layout is as follows:
| |
| |__quartz-bean
The api module is a Spring Boot application where the quartz bean lives. The composition module is where my services live that will be used to add jobs and triggers to Quartz. The problem I am running into is that my Quartz bean is not accessible from the composition module, therefore I am not able to schedule jobs in my service like I'd want to. My Quartz bean is defined as follows:
class QuartzScheduler {
private val applicationContext: ApplicationContext? = null
private val databaseConfiguration: DatabaseConfiguration? = null
fun springBeanJobFactory(): SpringBeanJobFactory {
val jobFactory = AutoWiringSpringBeanJobFactory()
return jobFactory
fun scheduler(@Qualifier("schedulerFactoryBean") factory: SchedulerFactoryBean): Scheduler {
val scheduler = factory.scheduler
return scheduler
fun schedulerFactoryBean(): SchedulerFactoryBean {
val factory = SchedulerFactoryBean()
return factory
fun quartzProperties(): Properties {
val propertiesFactoryBean = PropertiesFactoryBean()
return propertiesFactoryBean.getObject()!!
A couple things I've tried include moving the Quarts bean to the composition module, but then it doesn't have access to the database configuration it needs. I also tried importing the api module into the composition module but it created a circular dependency. Can someone help me access the Quartz bean from my composition module? I'm new to Spring Boot so I am not really sure where I am going wrong or what my options are even. Thanks!
My service looks like this:
class QuartzService {
private var quartzScheduler: QuartzScheduler? = null
fun upsertJob(job: JobEntity) {
var jobExists = quartzScheduler!!.scheduler().checkExists(JobKey.jobKey(job.id.toString()))
if (!jobExists) {
The error that appears is that the type QuartzScheduler cannot be found (my QuartzScheduler class from scheduler-api
I had a couple of problems going on. First, my Quartz service was auto wiring the scheduler improperly. I changed it to this:
class QuartzService {
private lateint var scheduler: Scheduler
fun upsertJob(job: JobEntity) {
var jobExists = scheduler.checkExists(JobKey.jobKey(job.id.toString()))
if (!jobExists) {
Next, I had to change the class that was using the Quartz service to auto wire the service, I accidentally just instantiated it as a normal object:
private lateinit var quartzService: QuartzService
Thanks everyone for the help!