I am new to C# and I think I am seeing 2 diferent ways to do the same thing or maybe I just am not understanding. My "Murach's C# 2015" book has on page 369 an example of creating 2 object instances like this:
Product product1, product2;
product1 = new Product("something", "something else", more stuff);
product2 = new Product("something different", "something else different", more different stuff);
Can you also do it this way?
Product product1 = new Product("something", "something else", more stuff);
Product product2 = new Product("something different", "something else different", more different stuff);
It seems like some sources online do it one way and other sources do it the other way, or like I said... Maybe I am just missing something.
You have to declare the variable (once) before you use it, but you can assign the declared object variable multiple times.
// declare the variable
Product product1
// assign to first product
product1 = new Product("first product");
// assign to a different product
product1 = new Product("second product");
You can use the technique of declaring and assigning as "shorthand", so you could combine the first two lines of code (not counting the comments):
//declare and assign the variable in one step
Product product1 = new Product("first product");
//re-assign the previously declared variable to a different object
product1 = new Product("second product");
You only declare the variable once so this would give you an error:
Product product1 = new Product("first product");
Product product1 = new Product("second product");