Using Gradle
I know the way to create a fat jar
that is ran in Spring Boot
embedded Tomcat
Server is:
1. Gradle clean build bootRun
I am wondering though how to create a fat jar
manually using only command line
in order to create and run the same exact same jar as above?
I know to create an run a very simple java
application it is:
java myApp
But how to create a fat jar
that contains all the projects dependencies and then run it? Without using a tool like gradle
or maven
Basically, you could just jar up your class(es) with a manifest that specifies where main() is. For a classic "Hello World" class named Hello, the manifest would look like this...
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: Hello
Class-Path: .
You would build it like this...
$ jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF Hello.jar Hello.class
added manifest
adding: Hello.class(in = 415) (out= 285)(deflated 31%)
and execute it like this...
$ java -jar Hello.jar
Hello World
You could do the same with a more complex app with jar dependencies (including an embedded Tomcat), but you would need to unzip all the dependent jars into a directory, and include that in the jar. A build tool, like Gradle, can make that easier.