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I cannot get slider inputs to modify a map in shiny

I cannot get the map to react with the sliders. THe data was from when i move the sliders the map "refreshes" like it resets itself as if something were going to change but all of the data points show up on the graph.


Meteor <- read.csv()
#to take all NA values out
ReMeteor <- na.omit(Meteor) #from now on using ReMeteor instead of Meteor

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

       titlePanel("Meteorite Landings"),

    # Sidebar with a sliders and checkbox
    sidebarLayout( position = "right",
                        #1st slider year range
                     sliderInput("years","The year the meteorite fell, or the year it was found ",
                                 min = min(ReMeteor$year),
                                 max = max(ReMeteor$year),
                                 step = 1,value = c(1399,2013),
                                 animate = TRUE),
                        #2nd slider mass range
                     sliderInput("masss","The mass of the meteorite, in grams", 
                                 min = min(ReMeteor$mass),
                                 max = max(ReMeteor$mass),
                                 step = 100,value = c(.010,60000000), 
                                 animate = TRUE),
                                        "Was meteorite seen falling or found?", 
                                        choices = sort(unique(ReMeteor$fall))),
        mainPanel( leafletOutput("my_leaf",height = 650, width = 605),textOutput("text1"),textOutput("text2")

 server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

     #i think this block of four was letting it refresh, although no changes
      filtered <- reactive({ 
          ReMeteor[ReMeteor$year >= input$years[1] & ReMeteor$year <= input$years[2],]
        ReMeteor[ReMeteor$mass >= input$masss[1] & ReMeteor$mass <= input$masss[2],]
       #need last checkbox
       # filter(ReMeteor >= input$year[1] &
       #                  ReMeteor <= input$year[2]) %>%
       #       filter(ReMeteor >= input$mass[1] &
       #                  ReMeteor <= input$mass[2])%>%
       #   filter(ReMeteor = sort(unique(ReMeteor$fall)))

     # fitBounds()#here it is !!! search : fitbounds --- this too
     output$my_leaf <- renderLeaflet({
         leaflet(data = filtered()) %>%
             addMiniMap(zoomLevelOffset = -4) %>%
             #fitBounds(ReMeteor, ReMeteor$reclong,ReMeteor$reclat,ReMeteor$reclong,ReMeteor$reclat)
         # year_ <-input$year
         # mass_ <-input$mass
         # fall_ <-input$fall
         leafletProxy("my_leaf", data = filtered()) %>% 
           clearShapes() %>%
           clearMarkers() %>% 
           clearPopups() %>%
                        addMarkers(lat = ReMeteor$reclat, 
                        lng = ReMeteor$reclong,
                        clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
                        popup = as.character(ReMeteor$name,ReMeteor$recclass))
 output$text1 <- renderText({
     paste("You have chosen a range from the year", input$years[1], "to", input$years[2])
 output$text2 <- renderText({
     paste("You have chosen a range of mass from", input$masss[1], "to", input$masss[2], "grams")
 shinyApp(ui, server)


  • The issue here is that although you correctly used the reactive value filtered() in your leafletProxy call, you use the non-reactive version of ReMeteor in your addMarkers call.

             leafletProxy("my_leaf", data = filtered()) %>% 
               clearShapes() %>%
               clearMarkers() %>% 
               clearPopups() %>%
                            addMarkers(lat = filtered()$reclat, 
                            lng = filtered()$reclong,
                            clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
                            popup = as.character(filtered()$name,filtered()$recclass))

    enter image description here