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How to show and update current page number in an input box palceholder Using Tabulator

I am trying to show the current page number in an input box as a place holder the issue is I can't figure out how to update the value when users go to another page. Here is what I tried:

    <input id="currentPage"/>
 document.getElementById("currentPage").placeholder = tabulator_table.getPage(); 

Here is the first part of the question Here is sample


  • You want to use the pageLoaded callback on the table instance.

    When creating the table, you need to add a property for pageLoaded as a function with a parameter for the page number. This callback is triggered each time the page is loaded.

    Here is a working example,

    So you would do something like this, where #table is the element id for the table and input is a reference to your input element where you keep the page number value.

      new Tabulator('#table', {
        pageLoaded: (pageNumber) => {
          input.value = pageNumber